
A Chronology of the Life of Michel Lecourt

  • 1638... Born in the parish of St.-Ouen, in  Livarot, in the diocese of Lisieux, in the Calvados region of Normandy, France.
  • 1655... At age 17 he sailed from Honfleur, France to New France (Quebec)
  • 15 Oct 1655... He appears in the 1655 census of Beauport, Quebec, as having been granted a land concession of 1 acre, 71 rods, in the original older section of the town, the Bourg of Fargy
  • 1662... He participates in the assembly of town to dedicate land in Fargy for the construction of a new, wooden chapel.
  • 1 May 1662... At age 24 he is confirmed after receiving instructions by the Ursulines in Quebec.
  • 27 Dec 1666... Aged 28, Michel Lecourt enters into a marriage contract with 12-year-old Louise LeBlanc. Paul Vachon is the."notaire".
  • 13 Feb 1667... Michel Lecourt and Louise Leblanc are married in the Beauport chapel.
  • 10 Dec 1668... Michel buys 40 acres of land in Beauport from Jacques (Oliver) Tardiff (30 Nov 1654 to 15 Nov 1732)
  • 6 Nov 1669...  Michel's first child, also named Michel, is born in Beauport
  • Mar 1672...Michel Lecourt and Pierre Parent, both butchers from Beauport, buy property on Sault-au-Matelot in "basse-ville" Quebec
  • 1672-1673... Lecourt and Parent hire a carpenter Jean Langlois, to build on Sault-au-Matelot
  • 1 Feb 1674... A second child, Nicholas, is baptized in the Beauport chapel.
  • 1674... Michel Lecourt sells land with a house to Paul de Rainville
  • 1676-1677... Legal challenges between Quebec officials and several Quebec butchers on the rents paid at the town square (Place Royal?)
  • 12 Jun 1678... Michel's first daughter, Marie Charlotte, is born in Quebec
  • 1678... Michel leaves Quebec, moves to Montreal, and rents a 2-story home.
  • 9 Dec 1679... Michel rents land to Bonneau
  • 1680... Michel purchases property on Rue St-Paul in Montreal for his butcher shop
  • 30 May 1680... Another daughter, Marguerite, is born and baptized in Montreal
  • 14 Sep 1685... At age 47, Michel Lecourt dies in Montreal, and is buried in the graveyard of the old Notre-Dame church.

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